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Hey I’m a 30 year old mtf trans lady, I’m a long term diaper lover of at least ten years, as well as a beginner adult baby. I love to wear nappies aswel as use them for their intended purpose both wet/mess, I love to dress in baby clothes, drink from a bottle and suck on a dummy. Im hoping to find friends in the uk that I can talk to, maybe meet. Im looking to meet males as well as females. I’d love to find many friends I can explore more into the abdl lifestyle with. I hope to meet other fellow adult babies, diaper lovers as well as mummy’s and daddy’s. Im very genuine, easy going, discreet and polite.. manners cost nothing! I live in the United Kingdom , Kent, Thanet, Margate. Thanks for taking the time to read my profile, please message me and introduce yourselves, as well as follow my profile. ROSIE xx


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