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    Welcome to the ABDLForums. As a guest you will have very limited access to the website and you will not be able to view majority of the sections of the website.

    Benefits of becoming a member:

    • Access to pretty much every section of the website (Other than VIP sections)
    • Ability to chat in general chat and other chats that will be added in the future
    • Ability to unlock achievements and new user groups that give you access to other parts of the forum and lift restrictions
      • First group that you can join is "Active Member" by getting 200 posts (replying to topics, or creating new threads)
    • and much much more! :)




  1. Always use a prefix to your threads. Aka [SELLING], [BUYING], [TRADING]. Use this guide to learn how to create prefixes for your topics the correct way.
  2. Use the correct marketplace section. Ex: If you only wanna deal with people in Canada use the Canada section, however, if you want to deal with people in North America use the North America section.
  3. All marketplace deals will be at your own risk. ABDL Forums assumes no liability whatsoever.

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