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    Benefits of becoming a member:

    • Access to pretty much every section of the website (Other than VIP sections)
    • Ability to chat in general chat and other chats that will be added in the future
    • Ability to unlock achievements and new user groups that give you access to other parts of the forum and lift restrictions
      • First group that you can join is "Active Member" by getting 200 posts (replying to topics, or creating new threads)
    • and much much more! :)





  1. ABDL Qustions

    If you have any specific questions that you might have regarding ABDL this is where you do it!

  2. Friends & Family

    If your a friend or a family member of an ABDL and you have some questions use this section

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  3. Need to Vent

    Do you have something that you need to get off your chest and need someone to listen? Do it here! :foxlove:

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